Tuesday 26 April 2011

Never say die attitude

Success depends on 80% of our attitude and 20 % of aptitude. Natural talent, you will argue is important, but more vital is what you do with your skills.
You will see a lot of skilled people around who are wasting their talent by not using it. They are the types who have little faith in themselves. They overlook their strengths and instead focus on their limitations. Maybe, it is because in their childhood they got cornered with negative self-beliefs. You can easily turn these negative attitudes into positive ones by telling yourself that you can, instead of thinking that you can’t.
If you tell yourself that you need to construct a positive belief system, you will see immediate results. Start your day visualising happiness, contentment, gratitude and success. You will see how many positive factors converge to make it happen. Research has conclusively shown how most of us suffer from diseases that are caused by stress, anger, self-doubt and bitterness. So throw them out of the window. Deal with stress by exercising, yoga, mediation and positive visualisation. Ask yourself why you are stressed. Find the root and deal with it immediately. Identify the feelings so that you know how to counteract it with positive messages to yourself.
Others around will continue mouthing negative missives. Instead of ignoring it, try interjecting new ideas, optimistic perspectives or satisfying thoughts. Listen to their response and invariably, you will see that their perspective gradually changes. If it doesn’t, move on.
Be careful of the kind of people you spend time with in the office. Are they time wasters, negative windbags? Steer clear of them and look for relationships that would bring a new energy within you.
If negative thoughts are powerful, try playing games with yourself. Look out of the window and distract yourself. Communicate with your pet. Read. Start a new hobby. Call a friend who has a positive mindframe and meet for coffee. Or attend a seminar or take part in a workshop where you can expand your knowledge. You can recharge yourself in a thousand ways. Never say die. 