Tuesday 8 March 2011

Use Google text box as a Calculator

Google text box as a Calculator

  • Basic Arithmetric Operators + - * / - Google allows to use all basic arithmetric operators such as addition, multiplication, subraction and division. For example 10+10-5*5/5.
  • Find percentage of the numbers - Google returns the percentage of the numbers. For example 10% of 100.
  • Find raise to a power of numbers - Google search box used to find the power values of the given numbers by using the character ^ or **. For example 10^2 or 10**2.
  • Find modulus of two numbers - Google returns the modulus of the numbers by using the character % between the numbers. For example 10%3.
  • Convert one unit to another - Google also helps to convert one units to other. For example 300 INR in USD, 100 kilobytes in bytes, 212 F in C, ox23 in decimal, 40 in hexadecimal, the speed of light in miles / s, days in a year, half a cup in teaspoons, 160 pounds * 4000 feet in calories.
  • Find mass and radius of the Earth - Google result page shows the mass and radius of the earth by using r_earth and m_earth respectively.
  • Find the Gravitational Constant - Google shows the value of gravitational constant in the result page by using the letter G. 

Google Advanced Search Operators

  • [#]…[#] - Used to search within a range of numbers. For example search for laptops between $700 and $1000. Use the query laptops $700...$1000
  • cache: - It shows the recently cached web page content by the search engine. For example cache:www.organicvisits.com. It does not work if the space between the “cache:” and the web page URL.
  • link: - Returns the web pages which contains the given web page URL. For example link:www.organicvisits.com returns the web pages which contains the page link http://www.organicvisits.com/. It does not work if the space between the “link:” and the web page URL.
  • related: - Returns the similar web pages to the given webpage URL. For example related:www.organicvisits.com. It does not work if the space between the “related:” and the web page URL.
  • info: - The query shows the information of the give web page URL. For example info:http://www.organicvisits.com shows the information of "Google's cache of www.organicvisits.com/", "Find web pages that are similar to www.organicvisits.com/", "Find web pages that link to www.organicvisits.com/", "Find web pages from the site www.organicvisits.com/" and "Find web pages that contain the term "www.organicvisits.com/". It does not work if the space between the “info:” and the web page URL.

Reference: organicvisits.com/
